“Shame hates it when we reach out and tell our story.” Brene Brown.
I always say that I self-shamed myself to the behavioral hospital. When I decided to be hope and honest about my journey, I felt the healing start to begin. As soon as I started to share my story, others felt comfortable to talk to me about theirs. I found compassion on a deep level for those around me and my self.
Not everyone will get or understand your story. I want you to know that’s ok. I know what it can do for people who do understand and what sharing my story has done to my self-shame, and what it can do for yours. That is a big reason why journaling has been a large piece of my healing puzzle. I own my story every day. I can release my imperfections, and where I feel I fall short, but also celebrate moments as well. I can also vent a little bit too. As crazy as it sounds the self-shame gets “outed” when I journal about it. As soon as that happens, the words wrap themselves around the shame and it starts to disappear.
Journaling can play such an important role in our lives. We can embrace our hard, celebrate our successes that may have been shadowed by shame.
Go get your Wonder Woman Journal! Let’s continue to share and celebrate the Wonder Woman Moments in our everyday lives, big and small! Let’s out the shame in our lives.